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tv   KTVU Morning News  FOX  April 26, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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. we have video of almost a dozen people who were arrested and we will tell you what police found in this warehouse when they went in. live where police found a man who approached a girl on her way to school, we will have what he said which made the girl suspicious. new details coming up about the scene karat is your -- secret service sex scandal, we will tell you why this thing may have happened before. complete bay area coverage starts right now. this is ktvu channel 2 morning
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news. good morning thank you for waking up with us, i am pam cook. >> steve says don't be too currented. >> yes, this is more just light rain or drizzle but it is there, it barely even shows up on satellite or radar but turning partly sunny and breezy, instead of a south east wind, temperatures are coming down and now for an update with sal. traffic is moving a long well on highway 4 if you come to the will dough pass grade, it is not a bad drive at all. we will have a complete update in just a few minutes, let's go to dave and pam. 11 people have been arrested more than 1,000 plants
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have been confiscated and police have shut down a major warehouse distribution center in east oakland. claudine wong has been on this all night and you have new video of some of the evidence, claudine? >> reporter: that's right, dave, i want to give you a look, and police say this was the place that was serving as a major distribution place for marijuana after spending ours here. just after that, we were able to get evidence of the bag gathered inside and we could smell it even though it was bagged, hard to imagine what it was like inside that warehouse and police tell us there was more than 1,000 plants growing inside there. ten men and one woman taken into custody and one man was
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arrested and all of those arrests happened without incident. police were here for hours after getting a search warrant for that warehouse and dea, drug enforcement administration was also out here but we are told even though police have left the scene, even though there are already 11 people in custody, there could be more arrests still. live here in oakland, claudine wong ktvu channel 2 morning news. some parents in pleasant still after a suspicious report, here is tara moriarty with the details of what happened. >> reporter: she sent out an e- mail to parents and also had a school announcement made over the loud speaker to all of the students at the end of the day. the incident happened about a
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mile from here near the safe way store. the 8th grader was on his way to school, he asked her name, age school address and then he wanted to know if she had a boyfriend and that made the girl uncomfortable so she left for school. the man is described as a latino male, possibly 40s with a strong accent, brown eyes and short black hair. he was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and black hooded cap. police are asking parents to use this as a learning opportunity and to walk with groups to school and if they notice anything suspicious to report it. the next search for sierra
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lemar is scheduled for saturday. hundreds of volunteers yesterday spanned out across a large area searching for sierra lemar. she was kidnapped on her way to school march 16th. they proud america's most wanted -- brought america's most wanted there in our show. >> we have had a great amount of success and of course we are always interested in these types of the stories. >> the show will air on may 11th and sierra's mother is grateful for the outpouring of support. secret service prostitution scandal, coming up the new accusations of secret service
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agents partying on another trip with the president. we have an update we told you about on the morning news, either later today or tomorrow, there will be an autopsy on the body re-- recovering. that body was spotted near bodega bay. we showed you a sheriff's helicopter removing the body. we still don't know the name of the man but he is described as an older man. they are saying he may be one of the sailors who died around the fairlawn office and they will not filed any charges against the crew member or the survivors. prosecutors agreed with the police conclusion that this was
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a tragic accident. and they are searching for a man who scammed the elderly in selling them fake gold bars. he dressed in hospital scrubs. he tells victims he needs money to care for a sick relative, he then asks for the money, he asked them to withdraw the money depending on how much they will buy, the gold bar is given and it is fake and the person is scammed out of that money. >> now they say the same suspect may be responsible for similar crimes in san mateo, san jose and san molina. they are calling it a
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railway on wheels. they will create bus only lanes on elevated street medians. now the board is expected to increase bus ridership, cut down on pollution and also attract more drivers to get out of their cars along that route. speaking of drivers, let's go back to sal and check in on the commute. >> all right, good morning, pam and dave and you can see traffic is stop and did, and you can see the traffic is moving along well, going over the hill and to concord. let's look at highway 101 and san francisco, northbound 101 looking good, extends extension
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and you will start seeing the game as the at. the and -- at&t park and that is coming out near the valley. let's go to steve. we had a little bit more rain yesterday and things lit up especially san jose and the peninsular and that system has pushed off to the east bay and the sierra nevada. i'll say it is a week cool front which is giving us some light drizzle and it is hard pressed to pick up. last night a's rain over a quarter of an inch in san jose, there was 4 / 10th of in higher elevations. san francisco, crocket all picked up a quarter of an inch and 50s, a little cooler as the
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system come in, and they are not as baummy but still give us a kuhai he iser pattern and this is a cooler system and it will be cooler and breezy and they are on their way. they may not be on their way and they look good as they go into the weekend. >> thank you, steve, ten minutes after 6:00, controversy more on the woman who famously gave birth to eight children. and what sparked this violent clash between student protesters and the police in canada, and controversial new
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plans, why one man wants to make it easier to kill certain birds.
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. time now 6:13, this is last thursday led to an emergency landing near new york city. now the senator is now
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proposing authorities be allowed to round up and kill geese. that comes after two new york bird strikes this week. well the new york city pat down -- the pat town of a four- year-old girl has a mother screaming. it happened after her daughter ran to hug her grandmother. the girl's mother said security agents called her daughter an uncooperative act when she started to cry and then took her to another room for a pat down. they are looking into weather hiring prostitutes on a presidential trip last year but as allison burns reports the
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homeland security secretary does not seem to know anything about this. allison? >> reporter: let's talk about the new allegations. they are reporting they spoke to a government subcontractor who says he was with secret service agents in el salvador ahead of the first family's trip there last year. the agent paid strippers for extra services and they came straight back to their rooms. secretary of homeland security janet napolitano says she believes this was an isolated case and there has been no other reports of this happening and defended the agency. >> it really was an isolated case and a huge disappointment to the men and women of the
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secret service to begin with who uphold very high standards and who feel their own reputations are affected by the actions of a few. >> we will have more on how they are reacting about the secret service during my next update in about an hour. ktvu channel 2 morning news. three u.s. marines are implicated in another scandal. they were allegedly pushing a woman out of a car last year. >> i have no tolerance for that kind of conduct not here or anyplace else in the world. >> leon panetta says the marines were demoted and the woman who suffered a broken collarbone is suing the embassy. look at what happened in
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downtown montreal. students clashed with police and they were protesting how the education minister excluded students for tuition. several journalists were reported. a group of nurses are holding a hearing and it will be on improving the medical center's plans and cat theatral, they have rallied in support of the new hospital the and what it will crease. >> i. >> they are accused for spinal
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implants. 9 felony fraud counts were collected and they are accusing her of over charges patients for spinal implants used in surgeries. her attorney is filing complaints and they are accusing her as well of spying network. remember the octomom? it looks like she will not be coming after all. she was due to appear at a an area -- at an area after showing poor living conditions where she lives with her 14 children. they did a complaint about living conditions at her home but did not discover any mistreatment there. 6:18 is the time back to
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sal, any problems for the commute? >> not much right now, pam, which is good, pam and dave we have been watching and it is getting more rainy, it does look like more of a winter area. a brand-new collision popped up while we were speaking. it is reported to be with no injuries. on 680 nearby, southbound 680 looks good although the weather is moving in here as well and traffic is going to be a little slower than it normally is. okay we mentioned the bay bridge toll plaza and right now we have a little bit of a backup, it is backed up from the army base over crossing and i just saw a new crash on 80 near powell, it is no doubt due
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to the wet roads, let's go to steve. other locations are cloudy. >> yes, and i was looking at the 880 camera and there was no rain there. >> other areas most live cloudy and cooler today, the system moves in and this is the cold front and coming down and i don't want to say a cold front because it is not that cold. it is squeezing out some available moisture and a lot of rain does not show up or i would give a better view of it on live storm tracker two. we are getting the sale end and although we had those tropical muggy conditions and it drags out some moisture. very low i don't think they
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will see any 60s. rain drizzle, partly sunny, partly cloudy, 60s on the temperatures, we will start to rebound and a little chill is in the air and sunny and warmer and we will carry it into the weekend, some mid-to-upper #0s inland. new this morning, pleasanton based subway just what analysts expected. there are also rumors that the company is getting ready for a take over. safe way has seen increased competition from wal-mart, trader joes and fresh and easy. redwood shutter fly is ready for customer accounts but shutter fly does not include galleries' website or name.
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they claimed for -- they filed for bank of america for newer technology -- they filed for bankrupt i for newer technology. >> highway 4, it is slow in antioch and we will tell you more about the morning commute. just stay off the freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. mmm-hmm. and just leave your phone in your purse. i don't want you texting, all right? daddy...ok! ok, here you go. be careful. thanks dad. call me -- but not while you're driving. ♪ [ dad ] we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru. ♪
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i've seen your stunts online. i can explain... jumping a ramp in a shopping cart. so 2005. wait, what? and only 3 likes? honey, it's embarrassing. carol's son got over 12 million views on that dancing squirrel video. don't you want that? ..i suppose. now go make your dad and me proud. try something funny. [ male announcer ] now everyone's up to speed. get high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months. at&t.
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get high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months.
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. good morning at the bay bridge, once you make it onto the bridge, traffic is moderate on the way to san francisco. a man is in critical condition, the victim fell out of the bus' door and then hits his head on the curb. doctors do not know if he will survive. police are trying to identify the second man you see from the bus security camera and the fight started after one of the men stepped on the foot of the other. well the mystery of the
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surrounding ken stress -- sunk ken treasure -- sunken treasure has been found. they found two bags of jewelry after helping to clean the lake. a man has come forward and approved he is the own in -- owner of all that. he was walking near the area when one of the bags fell into the water. a thief stole a dozen kaiaks and the director of the police activity league kaiak program said the kaiaks were stolen between april 6th, and 13th. if they don't turn up, kids will likely miss out on what has become a favorite summer tradition. >> i was heart broken. we that you have program and we were just about to put out our
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summer brochure. >> more than after the students they serve are from low income families. it was a happy scene that followed a horrible highway incident which involved a mom, her son and a dog nicknamed freeway. >> last week angela and her son were driving down the freeway when they spotted a dog dangling on the rope. they could not get the driver's attention and after about a mile the rope snapped and the dog broke free and flipped against the side of the freeway. >> what was the look in the dog's eyes? >> scared and hopeless that he would die. >> the dog named freeway lost a leg and he will be put up for adoption tomorrow.
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they are still searching for the driver who could face animal cruelty charges. this incident shows how important it is for drivers to properly secure dogs. the heavy rain we have seen has let up but the roads are still wet and dangerous and we will keep watching on our storm watch coverage. a major marijuana distribution center shut down in oakland, we will tell you what police found in an east oakland warehouse. >> pam will have your early stock numbers. stay tuned. [ girl ] my mom always tells me:
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if you want something done right, then do it yourself. that's the idea behind our children, our future -- the ballot initiative to fix our schools. we've waited years for the politicians to do it. now, we can do it ourselves. our children, our future sends every k through 12 dollar straight to our schools... not to sacramento. it benefits every kid in every school, with local control of the money. that's why the p-t-a supports it. my mom likes it, too.
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. more earnings reports, weekly jobless claims are coming in this morning and they are elevated despite gains in
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the market. chrysler, they reported a very good quarter and there is a good outlook for the year ahead. so some good news coming out on the companies and we will have all the business news and the numbers coming up. thank you for joining us, it is thursday april 26th, i am dave clark. officers removed truck loads of marijuana from a warehouse. this is in east oakland at 915 and 89th avenue, massive drug busts and what officers uncovered overnight, claudine? >> reporter: this is mostly an industrial area and the warehouse in question does not have any identifying markers on it, nothing to tell you what it is about, most of the crime
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tape is involved. it is this part of the fence that the s.w.a.t. team knocked down when they went in. according to property records i looked at is about 13,000 square feet in size. they found marijuana and more than 1,000 plants inside as well as weapons and growing equipment and some of the people believed to be behind this operation are behind bars this morning. we had crews outside this morning and our crews witnessed many of the arrests. ten men and one woman was arrested and one man tried drive away with a end weapon in his car. the all night search and shut down went on and offsly there is more to be learned but officers say there is more to discover and they have not had
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their eye on this business apparently for months or at least for a quite a while. they say more arrests could still be coming. live in oakland claudine wong ktvu channel 2 morning news. we heard it is raining again in some areas so be careful driving because it is causing slick and dangerous highways. alex savage at the bay bridge toll plaza, how is it out there, alex? >> reporter: well, in the last couple of hours we have not had any rain but of course there is still residual moisture which makes for slick conditions and the rain triggered self. it came in around 2:00 a.m. this morning, chp are calling it a hit-and-run and since that time it was cleared from the lanes. in contra coster county, there
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was a crash triggered by the rain in antioch, 10th an l treat. five -- and l-street, so far we do not have an update on their conditions. roads are wet, there are slick conditions and there could be spots with sandy water around the bay area with spotty showers and you want to take it slow and drive carefully as we head into working. live in oakland, channel 2 news. and all right, 10:06 we want to go back to sal and check in on the commute, we are talking about wet roads and picking up in some parts. alex is standing and getting all wet. >> right. >> well, you are warm and dry. >> right, don't worry, i do live shots too, i will get mine. let's look at the commute now, traffic is -- and really to be
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serious, we are talk talking about the wet roads and give yourself a little extra time. be weary if he can't top in time. see to the top left of your picture. westbound 580 spring town boulevard, delayed traffic is coming out of the pass and southbound 880 is pretty good to fremont and in the santa clara valley, 101 is up to its old tricks up to sunny veil and 285 is still looking good. let's go to steve. we have mostly cloudy skies, pretty decent around the sunole grade and because we had all of that tropical moisture with us over the last couple of days, it is not a big system but it is there. we had some mid-70s, until the
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rain hit, boy did it come down last night. 60s today, low-to-mid, this will be the coolest day of the week. we had two systems, it is pushed off towards the east and here comes our cool front and we are around the southern edge and you can see around the sunole grade and it looks like it is pushing off and was coming down. 4400s, redwood city, san jose quarter of an inch, officially, concord, napa 19100s, it will be cooler and breezy and it looks like this is it for the rain, the next several days look dry. some low 60s and instead of that south/southeast which gave us the muggy conditions for a while. sunshine and warmer temperatures as we go right into the weekend.
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thank you, steve, there is a new development in the recent case of mad cow disease. the report says it was not as harmful as the one that decimated cattle in the 1980s. no human has ever actually contracted it. they first curbed sales of american beef and now indonesia is halting sales in mexico japan and china but they are pledging to consume u.s. beef and in fact sales are expect willing to jump 6% this year. tim geithner is planning on speaking about the u.s. economic relationship with china in an address to the commonwealth club. they made it so far in advance for u.s. businesses as well as economic challenges that
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remain. the talk is at the mark tompkins hotel. perry ended his own run for the white house in january and initially he backed newt gingrich but now that newt gingrich will back out next week, perry announced his support for mitt romney. mitt romney has earned the nomination through hard working, a strong organization and a disciplined message of restoring america. president barack obama will formally announce his reelection campaign next week. he will give two public rallies on saturday, may 5th and the other in richmond virginia. president barack obama's campaign manager says it feels like now is the right time to put the president's record up against mitt romney's. san francisco police are investigating two apparent hate
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crimes. three men assaulted the men who they thought were gay. the second happened april 7thth. in each case the attackers punched the men while yelling homo phobic slurs. the attackers are described as white or latino. if you recognize the men call the police. doyle drive in san francisco, it starts tomorrow night. the project will cause delays and if you are heading up to the golden gate bridge, giants are playing at home and there is a bear festival. you are urged to use the ferry but there is concern that the pressure will put a lot of pressure on highway 1. >> highway 1 just does not have the capacity, it can't handle
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the volume on doyle. drivers will are using a temporary bypass that connects to a newly built tunnel. we don't have the map and i will just tell you, the section of the doyle drive will close friday at 8:00 p.m. not monday at 5:00 p.m., which means no access and instead traffic will have to access the bridge in highway 1 in the avenues. no now going to the website, we have posted just for you how to get around that doyle drive closure. just look for the doyle drive tab on the front page. we have new information, what makes it so rare and what scientists now want. and a warning out to parents and students, we will tell you what has them on alert
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when we come back. southbound 101 in marin county, it looks good if you are driving down to central san rafael, we will tell you more about the commute and the bay area weather, stay tuned. no... caramel sauce.
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whipped cream? uhhhhhhh, yeah... but on the side. introducing build your own pancakes. only at denny's. times are tough. our state's going through a tough time. but we can fix it. ♪ chevron's been here in california for 133 years. we work hard. we support 1 in 200 jobs in the state. we support each other. and we spent over $450 million dollars with local small businesses last year. and, together, we can keep this... we're committed. ...the great state of california. committed to california. ♪
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. welcome back, here is a quick look at some of the stories we are following at
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6:43, new allegations of partying by secret service agents, our sister station in seattle interviewed a government subcontractor in el salvador who said he joined secret service agents at a strip club in advance of president barack obama brock's arrival. and a large marijuana bust overnight, more than 1,000 marijuana plants were ceased in east oakland. officers also arrested 11 people and also confiscated several weapons. and the wet weather, making driving dangerous. overnight rain and several highway trashes too. >> the such seven says slow down. we will continue our storm watch coverage at 7:00 a.m. a warning sent home to parents and students. we will have more on the
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reports of a suspicious man, tara? >> reporter: it started as a normal day, the girl was walking as she normally does when a stranger stopped her and engaged her in conversation. she knew something was wrong and when she walked away she reported it and now parents and teachers here are all on high alert. now the incident happened on monday 7:30 a.m. near the safe way store. the man asked her her name her age her address and started to get more personal warning to know -- wanting to know if she had a boyfriend so she left. there is no description of a car. he is described as a latino male, average build brown eyes and kink can i short -- kingky short -- kink can i short black hair. we talked to print hill police
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and investigators will not be available until 8:30 this morning. kids should arrive for class and parents are saying they are a bit on edge because this is the 4th incident to happen over the past few months. they had one in concord and another one in walnut creek so understandably parents will be having conversations with their children about walking too school safely. they are expected to drop charges against four protesters. now they are facing resisting arrest stemming from the cal campus in november. now the decision to drop the charges came straight from the top. prosecutors are following the lead for the chancellor. now some of the uc faculty complained they used excessive
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force against the demonstrators. and cameron rose is accused of hitting a police officer with a folding chair during this rowdy protest. they say they should convict him on the assault of a police officer with a deadly weapon and that is a felony offense. they are inviting more than a dozen people to live inside her home and neighbors say that is not all that is going on. coming up on mornings on 2, what sparked an investigation by code officials. san francisco hopes they can continue and they are willing to spend money to do it. they are bringing shows such as actress and right -- alcatraz and right now they are scheduled to end in june and they are looking into extending
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the program two more years. they are looking for a rebate for city fees and payroll taxes. we are getting new information about the meteor, the one that hit california and scientists say it was as big as a minivan. you can see it and hear it all the way. what made it so unusual it was able to leave without burning up the materials inside. they want to know if if you have any armature videos and photos so they can figure out where to look for it and find more pieces of it. hopefully there are no big problems but we have some wet roads and fender benders out there. >> some collisions and people have become better drivers in the rain at least for a little
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while. we have light rain and drizzle and slowed traffic but you will see some slowing. this morning's commute will be okay on 880 in oakland. as you can see it is drive and we are looking at the bay bridge toll less go to steve. the rain came in last night especially peninsular and south bay, this is a cool front getting some light rain and there is so much moisture in there, a lot of it is moving out but the next part of the system is moving in. it will take you to lake county and beautiful hillsberg and also up towards ukiah, i know it is weak but it is on its way and it will give us more
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drizzle so we had one ban and here is the next one and then we have breezy and partly sunny skies. the most i could find was redwood city but it was brentwood they picked up some rain and again last night so .5 redwood city was in second place, san francisco quarter of an inch. crocket quarter of an inch and also dublin and san leandro had a 10th of an inch. warmer and we have been sitting in the lower area. santa clara santa clara valley up streak a running a tail end and the system slides by, a lot of cloud cover, mostly cloudy, a little cooler but these are the coolest temperatures of the week and we will start to see a
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rebound not a big jump and even better as we go into the weekend. the number of people filing for new jobless benefits is stuck at a new high. 1,000 people filed for some claims, that is a sign it has slowed since the early part of this year. it could be a sign that employers are now adding fewer new working is. amazon is set to report its quarterly hearings and wall street expects sales to jump to nearly $13 billion and amazon does not breakout sales in that category. and a shooting in oakland, this one is caught on tape. searching for the gunman who fired shots outside of a car
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near the interstate. >> let's hear what the warriors have planned for tonight's season finale. it looks good passing mission but it looks rainy in parts of the east bay and we will let you know where the troubled spots are. stay tuned. [ female announcer ] this is the story of joycelin... [ joycelin ] it was a typical morning. i was getting ready for work, and then i got this horrible headache, and then i blacked out. [ female announcer ] ...who thought she had reached the end of her story. [ joycelin ] the doctor told me i had two brain aneurysms and that one of them had ruptured. [ female announcer ] fortunately, she was treated at sutter health's california pacific medical center.
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[ joycelin ] the nurses and doctors were amazing, and they were like a second family to me. and now i'm back to doing what i love. [ female announcer ] california pacific medical center and sutter health. our story is you.
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. welcome back, we want to take you live to new york, let's go to chrysler, they reported the best strong sales in new york america. police are hoping surveillance video will help catch a gunman who opened fire in east oakland. it happened at about 7:00 last night. look at the man walking up to a car at the intersection near seminary near interstate 880. he fires seven shots and runs away. the driver was wounded in the leg but his injuries are not life-threatening. tomorrow night sold out tribute is attracting some big names in the world of rock 'n' roll. he died. now including sammy hague jar, they will come together to perform in his memory.
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all the members include ban members from sticks kiss and adjourn any. -- and journey. michael had just enlisted in the navy when he survived the pearl harbor attack but earlier this month somebody stole his collection of memorabilia from his pickup truck in san leandro. somebody in the community plans on replacing one of those items and will resent -- present it to him today. raiders first pick will pick andrew luck but they have the overall first hook for luck. coach harbaugh gave him some advice about the draft. >> i spoke with him earlier and he sort of had fun with it as well and don't get too
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emotionally caught up and involved. >> luck passed more than 9,000 yards and 82 touchdowns in his season at stamford. golden state warriors will give one lucky and if a chance to make a million dollars shot earlier this week. he got 2 5,000 dollars and somebody will have a chance to make a 3/4 court shot. a random fan will take that shot and they will automatically be entered into that drawing. >> that is a pretty big shot to make. wouldn't it be amazing for somebody to make that shot? >> good morning everybody. let's go out and take a look at the commute. 28 , a little bit rainy and
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some of the cameras are showing wet weather and we have a dry look at 880. that is what we are looking at, just go to dry weather and taking a look at the commute on the bay bridge, that traffic will be light. one system is moving out, the other isel coming in towards northern sonoma -- other system is coming in towards northern sonoma and cooler temperatures will be in the 80s. we have dangerous rain and traffic is starting to pick up in some areas, stay with us, we will be right back.
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